How big of a FHA Loan Can I afford?

Your monthly costs should not exceed 29% of your gross monthly income for a FHA Loan. Total housing costs often lumped together are referred to as PITI.

P = Principal

I = Interest

T = Taxes

I = Insurance


Monthly Income x .29 = Maximum PITI
$3,000 x .29 = $870 Maximum PITI

Your total monthly costs, or debt to income (DTI) adding PITI and long-term debt like car loans or credit cards, should not exceed 41% of your gross monthly income.

Monthly Income x .41 = Maximum Total Monthly Costs
$3,000 x .41 = $1230
$1,230 total - $870 PITI = $360 Allowed for Monthly Long Term Debt

FHA Loan ratios are more lenient than a typical conventional loan.

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